FAQ and Client Resources


How much is a sign?

Every project we do is completely custom, so general pricing is not available for all signs. Cost depends on design time, materials used, installation time, travel requirements among other factors. Talk to us about your project - we can determine the best way forward and give you a custom quote. 

There are a few more straight-forward sign types. For these you can reference the below links. 

Sign Shop of Racine Banners.pdf

Sign Shop of Racine Corrugated Yard Signs.pdf

Sign Shop of Racine Feather Flags.pdf


Can I send you my artwork?

Professional graphic design time is included in all projects. Leave it to us to create a layout that will best deliver your message. If you want to send us logo or art files, check with us for layout requirements and use the guide below. Send your file or download link to anne@signshopracine.com. (We do not accept Word, Powerpoint or Canva files. If you simply want to convey an idea, export your project as a PDF file that we can reference.)

Sign Shop of Racine Digital File Requirements.pdf


How much is mobile advertising?

Purchase a pair of door magnets for $75. Have us put your website to a rear window for less than $100. Spend about $300-$700 for basic lettering on a truck. Go bigger and invest $3000-$9000 or more on a partial or full van wrap.

Contact us to set up a time to bring your vehicle over. We will take some pictures and discuss your goals. We can show you an initial concept that suits your budget. We want to create effective advertising for you without "breaking the bank". You don't have to go big or go home - let's just get things rolling for you to help spread and word and have you come back later and do larger projects as your business succeeds! 

Wondering if it's a good bang for your buck? Read what 3M says about how effective fleet graphics can be. 


How should I take care of my sign?

Banners should be taken down as soon as they are not needed. To store, ROLL do not fold. Roll with the graphic on the inside and store in a clean, dry location. 

How to Care for Magnetic Sign.pdf


How do I keep my vehicle wrap looking awesome?

Wash your wrap once a week or more often if your vehicle is exposed to a lot of dirt or pollutants. Use gentle automotive detergent - any good brand will work. Always use a nice automotive sponge or clean, soft cloth to wash your wrap. Rinse vehicle with clear water after washing. Minimize water spotting by using a silicone squeegee or chamois to remove water. Dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

You can bring your wrapped vehicle to an automated brushless car wash, though hand washing is safer and more thorough. Brush car washes may be too rough on the film, degrading it and causing peeling and lifted edges. If a car wash uses water spray and no brushes, it should be safe for most wraps.

Clean bird droppings and difficult stains immediately. Wipe off fuel spills immediately, then hand wash the affected area. 

Inspect your vehicle wrap often. Let us know right away if you see any bubbling, lifting or other possible failure. Your wrap installation is warrantied for 3 years - the sooner we can take a look at the problem the easier it is to fix.